Monday 17 November 2014

A Year In The USA | Weeks 11 & 12

3 months??!! WHAT?! Time's going by so quickly, and in a few weeks I'll be on my way home for Christmas! Just goes to show, time flies when you're having fun! The past two weeks have been absolutely amazing! Read on to see what I got up to!

Weeks 11 & 12

Did someone say HALLOWEEN?! Americans do Halloween like no other; it's the 2nd biggest holiday after Christmas and this year they spent an estimated $7.4 billion on it! So it only seemed right for me to do as Americans do and go all out. That meant decorations, candy for trick-or-treaters and costumes. Oh and of course, parties! Remember in the last post I said The Howl was my best night here so far? Well Halloween surpassed that by MILES. And to finish off the weekend, a friend and I performed at PoBev (Poetry and a Beverage, an open mic night) and got an amazing response from the crowd. We were on top of the world for hours after!

I also finally got time to start my YouTube back up again, alongside the wildly talented Katherine (she can pick up any song on the guitar so quickly!) with whom I performed at PoBev.

Week 12 finished with a conference in Salt Lake City called Expect The Great. Black Student Unions from across Utah joined together to discuss ideas on bettering connections between the unions, as well as advice on how to overcome stereotypes. I also wrote an article about it which got published on Aggie Radio's website (heck yeah!). It was a fantastic weekend filled with good company and good food!

Being in the USA has made me remember what I really love to do and what things are important to me. It has already been a life-changing experience, and I hope it continues to be.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

A Year In The USA | Weeks 9 & 10

The stars one night when camping
Weeks 9 & 10

Hurray for FALL BREAK! (It was only one day but oh well). Week 9 was spent canoeing, hiking and camping in the Southern Utah desert. It was so great and I got to experience real stars for the first time in my life. It's amazing how much you can miss when living in the city...

Camping under that view, not a bad life
Aside from the usual midterms, homework and keeping up with my radio show, the highlight of week 10 was The Howl aka the biggest halloween party west of the Mississippi River! 6,000 party-goers from all over Utah and the surrounding states gathered at Utah State University all dressed in an array of outfits to party like it was the end of the world. And boy did I party too! So far it's the best night I've had in the USA, hopefully there's many more of them to come!

Monday 13 October 2014

Welcome To The Adventures Of Lois And Minny!

So a few posts ago I mentioned that I might be hosting my very own radio show on Aggie Radio. And as you might have guessed by the title, myself and my co-host Minnie have our own slot on Tuesdays at 5-6pm PDT (12am UK time), WOOOOOO!

It's all about travel, giving students like ourselves, tips on how to save for their dream holiday, information about other countries and cultures and loads of fun facts! It's going to be a blast so make sure you tune in on Tuesday to hear our first show and follow us on twitter!

A Student's Guide To Effective Time-Planning

Since I started university, I have to admit that I'm not as organised as I once was. Getting up at 9am is such a struggle and gym?! Pffff what's a gym?! All I knew during my first year of uni was work and lectures, work and lectures... and then just work. I got lazy and would stay in bed all day, do homework at the last minute and go to the gym once in a blue moon (hands up if this sounds like you), which is the complete opposite of what I used to be like! I didn't even go out partying (WHAT?!)! So this month I decided to become a little bit more proactive with my time-planning so that I could have time to study AND play. And guys, it's been working!

Below is a timetable I've come up with to help me plan my week more effectively and efficiently (it's a lot so take a few minutes to take it all in). Keep reading to find out how I decided to allocate my time in the most useful way!

  • Must-havesEveryone has the things that they must do during the week. Your's might be school, a job, homework etc etc. Mine were going to my lectures, so I scheduled these in first, and doing my homework assignments. On average, it takes me 1 hour to do 10 questions (that's Maths for you) and normally for one assignment, I'll get 20-30 questions. So for each class, that's 2-3 hours of homework. I have 4 classes so that's 8-12 hours of homework each week, give or take. I've also scheduled in some Extra Homework sessions, just in case I miss one earlier in the week, or if I have more homework than usual. Figure out how long it normally takes you to do a piece of homework so you schedule in enough time. I also have a kick-boxing class which I get credit for, however, it's not on campus, so I have to make sure I allocate enough time to get there and back before my next activity (make sure you remember to do this if you need to as well!).
  • Needs: So, I don't know about you, but I LOVE my sleep. So much so, that if I don't get my 8 hours, it's VERY unlikely I'll get up on time the next day. So the next thing I scheduled in was bedtime (I'm still working on this though!). However, everyone's different; some people only need 6 hours of sleep and they'll be fine the next morning! Take some time to find out how much sleep you can properly function on, then schedule that in. 
  • Wants: Here's where gym fits in, because it's not a necessity but I really enjoy going to the gym and want to get healthier. BUT I know there are some people who need to go to the gym for 2 hours a day, every day, every week. If you're one of those people, make sure you schedule this in with your 'Needs' section, to make sure you allocate enough time for it! 
  • Clubs & societies: If you are apart of any extra-curricular activities, like cross-country running, football, theatre rehearsals etc etc, you'd want to schedule this in with your 'Needs' also. However, there are often times when if things do overlap, you can alternate between weeks. I am apart of the Black Student Union and also apart of Aggie Radio, and their meetings happen to fit in nicely with everything else! 
  • Religious activities: Now, certainly not everyone will need or even want to put this into their schedule, but if you do go to Church or Temple, then make sure you put this in your 'Must-haves' or 'Needs' section.
  • Food, hanging out & naps: All the blank spaces are for going to lunch/dinner, hanging out with my friends or having a nap (because it's true, sometimes you really need them!). 

Tip: If you normally roll out of bed 20 minutes before your lecture, make sure you have prepared everything the night before. This means packing your bag, laying your clothes out, putting your make-up out in order (so you're not fumbling around trying to find your eyeliner) and making a quick breakfast. It only takes me 5 minutes to do this before I go bed and it saves me so much time in the morning!

Et voila! Make a schedule one week and really try to stick to it! You just might be pleasantly surprised with how much you can get done!

Saturday 11 October 2014

A Year In The USA | Weeks 7 & 8

The beautiful mountains next to campus
WOAH, time is flying by! I can't believe I've already been here for 8 weeks! It seems like only last week I was packing my suitcase to come here! The past two weeks have been so great, mostly because I have some REALLY amazing friends. It's definitely true that American kids know how to have fun WITHOUT alcohol (something we are yet to learn in the UK!)

What is the craziest thing you've done since being here?
Parents, siblings, those over 25, just skip down to the next question (don't say I didn't warn you!). So my friends introduced me to a game that I've never heard of back in the UK. Basically, you're in a car driving around, and whenever you come to a yellow light or see a car with a broken headlight, you have to hit the ceiling and yell "Sex". The last person to do it has to remove an item of clothing. And yes, one of my friends was striped down to their underwear!

Do you miss home yet?
There's only been one time when I've missed home, and that was only for about an hour. I honestly love it out here and wouldn't change anything for the world!

What's the major difference between studying in the US v UK?
So for my degree back in the UK, I used to have loads of lectures/supervisions/labs and barely any homework. Over here however, it's the total opposite. I only have 14 hours of lectures/classes a week, but boy is that made up for in assignments. There's never been a time yet when I haven't had work to do. I'm still to make up my mind which system I prefer...

Weeks 7 & 8

Mostly during the past two weeks, myself and my co-host, Minny, have been preparing for our own Radio Talk Show (but more about that in a later post!). On the weekend we took a mini road trip down to Provo, a city just below Salt Lake. There was an free street concert which was apart of the Provo Rooftop Concert Series, where a few bands and artists performed in front of a huge crowd. The headlining act was Neon Trees (no, I'd never heard of them either, but they were big news because they were from the area) alongside Fictionist and Blue Aces (yep, still never heard of them!). Now, I'm not a huge fan of the rock scene, nor being out in the cold for longer than necessary, but I did enjoy it and am really glad I went. Plus it was free so who am I to complain?! 

Week 8 was all about Homecoming! But I have to disappoint all my Brits and say that college homecoming is not a big as the movies make it out to be (yeah I know, I shed a tear too). But the university still put on loads of events to celebrate, such as the Mr USU pagent, a concert, street painting and of course, a dance to name a few. The highlight of my week though was Thursday night when Hypnotist, Chris Jones, decided to pop by and give us a bit of a show. Oh, and I was in it... Yes I got hypnotised into doing some crazy stuff like being a Zombie, dancing like I was a dude and hiding from the cops. Oh and did I mention he made us believe he was Drake and that we were at his concert? I was convinced I had touched Drake's hand and I was going to call my sister to rub it in her face...until I walked out of the room (yes, more tears were shed!). It was SO fun and from what I heard, all 800+ people who were in the audience had a blast! BRING ON SPRING HOMECOMING!

A Year In The USA | Weeks 5 & 6

Yellowstone during my first few weeks in the USA
The past two weeks haven't been as eventful as the first few, so for this post I want to enhance a little on the differences in culture I've experienced whilst being here.

What are the main differences between Utah and the UK?
Of course there are many differences, one prominent difference being the religion. Most people in Utah are born and raised LDS or Mormon, which was something I knew VERY little about before coming here. Before leaving the UK a lot of people joked around saying I'd come back Mormon, but since being here, I've learnt that the LDS faith is not very different from any other religion. In fact what surprised me most, is that most Mormons are very cultured and educated because they go on missions all over the world when they are 18, 19 or 21; I've met people who are fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian! One of my best friends here is Mormon and she's no different to any other American girl you'd cross on the street. 

The major difference though, is that Utah is prominently a 'white state'. It's fairly rare to see a non-white face whilst walking through campus. So that was really strange for me to get used to because London is so diverse and you wouldn't walk down the road without coming across someone of a different nationality. Saying that though, it's not a big deal because the people here are so friendly, no matter what their race.

What are the similarities?
Well, when it comes to similarities it's actually really difficult to think of them! I guess the only one really is the mindset of college students! We all just want to do as well as we can in our course but at the same time, we want to have as much fun as possible!

How does being born in the UK affect my social life? (BTW my friends came up with this question)
Honestly, I don't think it's affected me in any way except that I've been exposed to many different cultures, religions and races so my knowledge of these things have been enhanced, perhaps more than if I grew up in another country/city!

Weeks 5 & 6

Apart from the excitement of having midterms during the past two weeks, there were a few other events which really stood out. The first being a panel which I chose to be apart of. I joined the Black Student Union (BSU) here at my US university (kinda strange considering I'm not apart of the ACS back home). Anyway, a Multicultural and Societies class were having panels of students from the Black, Latino, Polynesian and various other student unions, in order to ask questions and understand other cultures better. I opted to be on the panel for the BSU, which I was excited about but we were warned beforehand there may be some strange and ignorant questions asked. However when it came to it, the students in the class (who were 99.9% white) were respectful and asked genuine questions like "how did you feel when you came to Utah". It was great to be apart of, and it was lovely to know I was helping others understanding of different cultures.

Saturday night was spent at PoBev i.e. Poetry and a Beverage. A few friends and I snuggled up (literally, it was cold) with a few blankies out in the Quad (the main outdoor's space of the uni) and listened to amusing songs and heartfelt poems by some very talented students. Plus we got free Apple Cider (non-alcoholic of course)!

My highlight of the two weeks though, was the play we went to see at the Caine Lyric Theatre in downtown Logan, the town where my university is based. It was called Bus Stop and a friend was performing in it, which is why I went. And I'm honestly glad I did. It was funny, romantic (sort-of) and pulled at your heartstrings; literally everything you could want in a play. And it was free because we were students...WOO! The first of many plays and musicals to come I hope!

Sunday 14 September 2014

A Year In The USA | Weeks 3 & 4

My first ever hike up to the Wind Caves during Week 2
Like the last time, I'm starting off with a mini Q&A; this time, it's about accommodation and meal plans!

What is your accommodation like?
I live on campus in a shared dorm room. There's around 50 girls on my floor and 1 RA (Residential Advisor). I chose it because it was the cheapest and I wanted to save as much as I could for travelling. I expected it to be really low quality and basic, but I was pleasantly surprised when I got here. It was very spacious, clean and well presented, not at all like the prison-style room I had envisioned. Also, the bathroom situation isn't that bad either! I've never had to wait to have a shower or go to the loo and it's kept really clean and tidy.

Do you have a meal plan? And what is the food like?
With my accommodation, it's required that you have at least a 10 meal plan (i.e. 10 meals a week). There are more options such as a 15 or 20 meal plan, but I thought that would be too much for me. Like anywhere, it really depends where you go to eat. There are a few places where the food isn't so good, especially late at night, but at other cafés and shops it's really nice and tasty! Plus it's all American sized!

How much is your accommodation/meal plan?
My accommodation is $990 per semester (£610) and my meal plan is $1,330 (£820). Over the two semesters it's $4,640 (£2,870) which is a lot cheaper than my accommodation last year (which was around £4,200 NOT including food)!

Week 3
Just a really cool picture I took in Yellowstone
WOAH, what a week! It began with some friends and I heading to Yellowstone National Park for 3 days; a six hour car journey, but well worth it! There were 8 of us split over two cars; 2 Americans, 1 Spanish, 1 French, 1 Italian, 1 Swedish, 1 German and me (crazy huh?). I spent around $180 (£110) for the whole weekend, including food, petrol, camping equipment and souvenirs which was brilliant!  I could've budgeted a little more but I decided not to, solely because I wanted to really enjoy the weekend and not be thinking about what I could and couldn't buy. It was a lovely weekend,
The Multi-coloured Geyser at Midway Basin
surrounded by amazing scenery and amazing people, what more could you ask for from a holiday!

Another super exciting thing I did this week was join the Aggie Radio team! I had applied to be a DJ/Talk Show host/News reporter/Acoustic singer (so basically everything lol!) at the Day on the Quad which was an information day about clubs and societies, and I got an interview for it on Tuesday! It was really chilled and exciting, and I got to talk about my performing arts experience and travelling. After that, there was a quick meeting where all the newbies were introduced to all the directors and important people, which was fun! Allocations for positions are still to be made but I'm hoping to have my own Talk Show or be a News Reporter! But one thing that's for sure, is that I'll be performing a live acoustic session sometime this or next semester, so watch out for that!

Apart from the usual, going to classes, doing homework etc etc, I also got to experience my first American party...and it was a frat party, WOOO! Delta Sigma Phi hosted a Toga Party on Friday evening. It was No Toga, No Entry so my friends and I decided to go all out and make our own toga's and flower headbands! Click here to check out how you can make your own! It was so much fun and such an experience so I'm really glad we went!

Week 4
The Football Stadium during my first football game!
Week 4 started off with a BANG! It was the (American) football team's first home-game of the season, so the school organised a BBQ (free food WOO!) and the traditional Stampede to the Football Stadium. The stadium is at the bottom of a hill, so there was around 200 people who all stampeded from the top of the hill to the bottom; it was such a surreal experience! The school spirit at USU is absolutely incredible so the game was AMAZING (even though it went on forever). It was my first time watching an American football game so my roommate had to tell me the rules throughout the game, but it's really easy to pick up and it's actually really enjoyable to watch.

After, we went home, ate, got changed (cause it was REALLY hot) and then made our way to the Foam party! It was like the after-party of the football game because everyone were still in their Gameday shirts. We didn't get too foamy (huh? oh well) but had a good time, and then moved onto some other after-after-parties!

The rest of the week was spent doing the usual classes, homework, eating pizza and watching movies so it was just a really nice, chilled week. The football team also had their second home game of the season and this time it was a WHITE OUT! (i.e. everyone wears white).

These have been the hardest, but most amazing 4 weeks of my life so far; hopefully it continues that way!