Saturday, 11 October 2014

A Year In The USA | Weeks 7 & 8

The beautiful mountains next to campus
WOAH, time is flying by! I can't believe I've already been here for 8 weeks! It seems like only last week I was packing my suitcase to come here! The past two weeks have been so great, mostly because I have some REALLY amazing friends. It's definitely true that American kids know how to have fun WITHOUT alcohol (something we are yet to learn in the UK!)

What is the craziest thing you've done since being here?
Parents, siblings, those over 25, just skip down to the next question (don't say I didn't warn you!). So my friends introduced me to a game that I've never heard of back in the UK. Basically, you're in a car driving around, and whenever you come to a yellow light or see a car with a broken headlight, you have to hit the ceiling and yell "Sex". The last person to do it has to remove an item of clothing. And yes, one of my friends was striped down to their underwear!

Do you miss home yet?
There's only been one time when I've missed home, and that was only for about an hour. I honestly love it out here and wouldn't change anything for the world!

What's the major difference between studying in the US v UK?
So for my degree back in the UK, I used to have loads of lectures/supervisions/labs and barely any homework. Over here however, it's the total opposite. I only have 14 hours of lectures/classes a week, but boy is that made up for in assignments. There's never been a time yet when I haven't had work to do. I'm still to make up my mind which system I prefer...

Weeks 7 & 8

Mostly during the past two weeks, myself and my co-host, Minny, have been preparing for our own Radio Talk Show (but more about that in a later post!). On the weekend we took a mini road trip down to Provo, a city just below Salt Lake. There was an free street concert which was apart of the Provo Rooftop Concert Series, where a few bands and artists performed in front of a huge crowd. The headlining act was Neon Trees (no, I'd never heard of them either, but they were big news because they were from the area) alongside Fictionist and Blue Aces (yep, still never heard of them!). Now, I'm not a huge fan of the rock scene, nor being out in the cold for longer than necessary, but I did enjoy it and am really glad I went. Plus it was free so who am I to complain?! 

Week 8 was all about Homecoming! But I have to disappoint all my Brits and say that college homecoming is not a big as the movies make it out to be (yeah I know, I shed a tear too). But the university still put on loads of events to celebrate, such as the Mr USU pagent, a concert, street painting and of course, a dance to name a few. The highlight of my week though was Thursday night when Hypnotist, Chris Jones, decided to pop by and give us a bit of a show. Oh, and I was in it... Yes I got hypnotised into doing some crazy stuff like being a Zombie, dancing like I was a dude and hiding from the cops. Oh and did I mention he made us believe he was Drake and that we were at his concert? I was convinced I had touched Drake's hand and I was going to call my sister to rub it in her face...until I walked out of the room (yes, more tears were shed!). It was SO fun and from what I heard, all 800+ people who were in the audience had a blast! BRING ON SPRING HOMECOMING!

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