
Monday, 13 October 2014

A Student's Guide To Effective Time-Planning

Since I started university, I have to admit that I'm not as organised as I once was. Getting up at 9am is such a struggle and gym?! Pffff what's a gym?! All I knew during my first year of uni was work and lectures, work and lectures... and then just work. I got lazy and would stay in bed all day, do homework at the last minute and go to the gym once in a blue moon (hands up if this sounds like you), which is the complete opposite of what I used to be like! I didn't even go out partying (WHAT?!)! So this month I decided to become a little bit more proactive with my time-planning so that I could have time to study AND play. And guys, it's been working!

Below is a timetable I've come up with to help me plan my week more effectively and efficiently (it's a lot so take a few minutes to take it all in). Keep reading to find out how I decided to allocate my time in the most useful way!

  • Must-havesEveryone has the things that they must do during the week. Your's might be school, a job, homework etc etc. Mine were going to my lectures, so I scheduled these in first, and doing my homework assignments. On average, it takes me 1 hour to do 10 questions (that's Maths for you) and normally for one assignment, I'll get 20-30 questions. So for each class, that's 2-3 hours of homework. I have 4 classes so that's 8-12 hours of homework each week, give or take. I've also scheduled in some Extra Homework sessions, just in case I miss one earlier in the week, or if I have more homework than usual. Figure out how long it normally takes you to do a piece of homework so you schedule in enough time. I also have a kick-boxing class which I get credit for, however, it's not on campus, so I have to make sure I allocate enough time to get there and back before my next activity (make sure you remember to do this if you need to as well!).
  • Needs: So, I don't know about you, but I LOVE my sleep. So much so, that if I don't get my 8 hours, it's VERY unlikely I'll get up on time the next day. So the next thing I scheduled in was bedtime (I'm still working on this though!). However, everyone's different; some people only need 6 hours of sleep and they'll be fine the next morning! Take some time to find out how much sleep you can properly function on, then schedule that in. 
  • Wants: Here's where gym fits in, because it's not a necessity but I really enjoy going to the gym and want to get healthier. BUT I know there are some people who need to go to the gym for 2 hours a day, every day, every week. If you're one of those people, make sure you schedule this in with your 'Needs' section, to make sure you allocate enough time for it! 
  • Clubs & societies: If you are apart of any extra-curricular activities, like cross-country running, football, theatre rehearsals etc etc, you'd want to schedule this in with your 'Needs' also. However, there are often times when if things do overlap, you can alternate between weeks. I am apart of the Black Student Union and also apart of Aggie Radio, and their meetings happen to fit in nicely with everything else! 
  • Religious activities: Now, certainly not everyone will need or even want to put this into their schedule, but if you do go to Church or Temple, then make sure you put this in your 'Must-haves' or 'Needs' section.
  • Food, hanging out & naps: All the blank spaces are for going to lunch/dinner, hanging out with my friends or having a nap (because it's true, sometimes you really need them!). 

Tip: If you normally roll out of bed 20 minutes before your lecture, make sure you have prepared everything the night before. This means packing your bag, laying your clothes out, putting your make-up out in order (so you're not fumbling around trying to find your eyeliner) and making a quick breakfast. It only takes me 5 minutes to do this before I go bed and it saves me so much time in the morning!

Et voila! Make a schedule one week and really try to stick to it! You just might be pleasantly surprised with how much you can get done!

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